Opening hours and prices

Opening hours

Monday: Closed
Tuesday - Sunday: 10:00-16:00

Special opening hours

Summer (week 26 - 32)
Monday - Sunday: 10:00 - 17:00

Autumn (week 42)
Monday - Sunday: 10:00 - 17:00

Maundy Thursday, Good Friday, Easter Monday, Ascension Day, Pentecost: 10:00 - 16:00

Christmas and New Year
24th, 25th, and 31st of December + 1st of January: Closed

Monday - Friday: Closed
Saturday and Sunday: 10:00 - 16:00


Adult (12 - 88 years): 90 dkk
Children (3 - 11 years): 50 dkk
Under 3 years: Free
Over 89 years: Free

Join the support organisation for the Museum for Papirkunst

Individual person: 175 dkk
Family: 225 dkk
Company/institution: 300 dkk
Members of the support organisation receive free admission to the museum and events after purchasing a membership card for one year from the date of issue.

Discount options: Ældresagen, Danske Seniorer, DCU, Saxo Premium, Danmarks billedkunstlærere, Billedkunst- og Designlærerforeningen, studiekort, etc.

Group visits

Bring your organisation, group, school class or colleagues on an extraordinary experience. We organise an exciting programme for you with special group rates. Book guided tours, creative workshops and café visits, for example.

Prices for groups pr. person
Admission: 80 dkk.
Admission and guided tour with founder and artist Bit Vejle: 125 dkk.
Admission and guided tour with cultural mediator: 110 dkk.

Visit to the café pr. person
Coffee and pie: 75 dkk,
Coffee and handmade cream puff: 60 dkk.

Minimum 15 people.
Contact or phone +45 60 12 94 92.

Find your way to Museum for Papirkunst


Museum for Papirkust is located near Blokhus in Jammerbugt Municipality, Northern Jutland. It is easy to get here by public transport from neighbouring cities such as Aalborg and Frederikshavn. Find your way with Rejseplanen here.

If you arrive by car, you can park in front of the museum at the P-park.

Se the directions here.